This photo was taken a few years ago at the site of a Revolutionary War mass grave site in Langhorne |
Normally we do not get excited about orbs, but in this case, due to the history surrounding this location, we feel
it is more that just a dust particle. The story behind this location is that back during the Revolutionary War, this site
was used as a mass burial site, there were 160 bodies found buried here in mass graves, the bodies were stacked 4 - 5 per
grave. There was also a journal found back in the 1990's from a little girl that lived a few houses down the street during
this time, that wrote in this journal about looking out her window and seeing the men carrying "boxes" down the street.
If this journal would not have been found, this site would not have been preserved, it would have been excavated and used
for something else...but luckily it has now been marked as a historic landmark...

This photo was taken at a house directly next to the Revolutionary War marker in he previous photo |
We found this photo kind of odd, in that it was the only one we got of this house that showed up with this red aura surrounding
the entire house. There are a few orbs in the photo, but other than the red aura... if you notice in the upstairs center window,
it appears as though there is a light on in the house.... there was no one residing here at the time, there were no lights
on when the photo was taken...the house was being remodeled and is now a restaurant.